

加藤俊徳. 広汎性発達障害における海馬回旋遅滞症. BRAIN MEDICAL 2004; 16: 307-17.

加藤俊徳. 小児医療最近の進歩、脳画像からみた広汎性発達障害. 小児科 2005; 46: 363-73.

加藤俊徳. 海馬回旋遅滞症. Annual Review神経, 中外医学社2006;340-348.(PDF

「脳酸素交換機能計測法 COE」

高嶋幸男,加藤俊徳,他.NIR Spectroscopyによる局所脳血流変動の観察.心身障害児(者)の医療療育に関する総合的研究の報告書(厚生省)p.179-181(1992)

Kato T, Kamei A, Takashima S, Ozaki T. Human visual cortical function during photic stimulation monitoring by means of near-infrared spectroscopy. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 13: 516-520 (1993).(PDF

Kato T: Principle and technique of NIRS-Imaging for human brain FORCE: fast-oxygen response in capillary event. International Congress Series:1270C, 88-99 (2004)(PDF

NHK「老化に挑む」プロジェクト: 老化に挑む よみがえる脳、延びる寿命、脳科学監修  加藤俊徳, NHK出版、東京、2004.

加藤俊徳: COE(脳酸素交換機能マッピング) -酸素交換度と酸素交換直交ベクトルの利用-  臨床脳波.48: 41-50, 2006

加藤俊徳: COE装置(脳酸素交換機能マッピング) -酸素交換波動方程式の応用-  日本機械学会誌.108: 877,2005(PDF

加藤俊徳: COE(脳酸素交換機能マッピング)–光機能画像法原理の利用-. 小児科 46:1277-1292,2005

 「脳画像 MRI」

加藤俊徳. Functional MRI, リハビリテーションMOOK 10.神経疾患とリハビリテーション, 53-70 (2005)

加藤俊徳,他:脳と障害児教育 ジアース教育新社,東京, 2005


加藤俊徳:リハビリテーションMOOK. 10 神経疾患とリハビリテーション. Functional MRI. pp.53-73, 金原出版株式会社, 東京, 2005.

加藤俊徳: MRIによるコミュニケーション評価 pp.144-148, 重症心身障害療育マニュアル第2版, 医歯薬出版株式会社,

加藤俊徳: 療育支援脳機能検査法による重症児(者)の理解. 公開シンポジュウム:[重症児のコミュニケーションを考える]. 日本重症心身障害学会誌 30: 57-63, 2005.

加藤俊徳:リハビリテーション支援脳機能検査法のゴールデンスタンダード. 脳科学とリハビリテーション5: 7-14(2005) 


2002年武田研究奨励賞 優秀研究賞 「近赤外分光法とMRIを使った脳と筋肉組織の酸素変換比の画像化技術」



1.BS日テレ, Newton Kids TV 「脳・ヒト」 2005.5.21

2. NHKスペシャル 老化に挑む 一部 あなたの脳はよみがえる. 2004.9.18 http://www.nhk.or.jp/special/libraly/index.html
ビデオ http://www.nhk-ep.com/view/11073.html

2005年第46回科学技術映像祭、文部科学大臣賞 http://ppd.jsf.or.jp/filmfest/46/nyuusen.html
2005年アメリカ国際フィルム・ビデオ祭 医療健康部門 シルバースクリーン賞 http://www.filmfestawards.com/
2006年ニューヨークフェスティバル医学健康部門 シルバーワールドメダル http://www.newyorkfestivals.com/

3. あるある大辞典II.~酸素~, フジテレビ収録出演, 2004.6.20 http://www.ktv.co.jp/ARUARU/search2/aru12/12_2.html

4.TBSテレビ出演.ブロードキャスター: 脳の髄まで見えちゃうMRIって一体なに? 2003.12.13: 22:00-23:24 

5. NHK教育テレビ出演. ETVスペシャル 2003.5.17, 22:00-23:30 あなたと話したい~障害者と向き合う医療・教育最前線~ http://www.nhk.or.jp/etv21c/update/2003/0517.html

6. 朝日新聞3面掲載. 胎児脳発達、MRIで識別: 2003.2.23

7. MRIで脳の「構造」も「機能」も 見えてきた「内なる宇宙」: 朝日新聞夕刊. 2003.1.25

8. 患者に脳活動の低下 アルツハイマー病で発見: 日経産業新聞. 2002.8.19

9. アルツハイマー病 患者の脳活動 特定部分が低下: 日本経済新聞. 2002.8.19

10. ボケ予防に関する健康番組. 日本テレビ, おもいっきりテレビ収録出演. 2002.8.2


単行本, 総説, 解説など

1.      高嶋幸男,加藤俊徳,平野悟,水戸敬:NIR Spectroscopyによる局所脳血流変動の観察.心身障害児(者)の医療療育に関する総合的研究の報告書(厚生省) p.179-181, 1992

2.    高嶋幸男, 加藤俊徳. 低酸素性脳症、脳性麻痺. 小児の頭部画像診断(南光堂)VI: 231-256,1993

3.    高嶋幸男, 加藤俊徳. 小児神経疾患と病理 MRI. 小児科臨床47:2341-2345,1994

4.    加藤俊徳. 高次脳機能のfMRI:ヒト・メンタールオペレーション・システムの視覚化. 臨床放射線 44:1251-1264,1999

5.    加藤俊徳,小川誠二. fMRI: a new aspect of temporal response. 臨床精神医学講座24 : 302-315. 精神医学研究方法, 中山書店, 東京,1999

6.    加藤俊徳. 1.5T と4TにおけるfMRIの原理と測定法. 臨床精神医学講座 10: 精神 科臨床における画像,47-78.中山書店, 東京,2000

7.    加藤俊徳. 脳機能の局在化とfMRIの決定力. 脳神経外科, 30:685-700 医学書院, 東京, 2002

8.    加藤俊徳 小児脳機能生理学とfunctional MRI(特集:脳・神経系のMRI)小児科診療 66:20-28, 2003

9.    加藤俊徳. 広汎性発達障害における海馬回旋遅滞症 BRAIN MEDICAL 16: 307-317, 2004

10.加藤俊徳. Functional MRI, リハビリテーションMOOK 10.神経疾患とリハビリテーション, 53-70, 2005

11.NHK老化に挑むプロジェクト著、老化に挑む 脳科学監修 加藤俊徳、NHK出版、2004.

12.加藤俊徳: 小児医療最近の進歩: 脳画像からみた広汎性発達障害.小児科 46: 363-373, 2005

13.   脳と障害児教育委員会, 加藤俊徳, 坂口しおり 編著. 脳と障害児教育 適切な支援の可能性. 初版. 東京:ジアース教育新社,2005

14.  加藤俊徳: MRIによるコミュニケーション評価 pp.144-148, 重症心身障害療育マニュアル第2版, 医歯薬出版株式会社,2005

15.  加藤俊徳: 療育支援脳機能検査法による重症児(者)の理解. 公開シンポジュウム:[重症児のコミュニケーションを考える]. 日本重症心身障害学会誌 30: 57-63,2005

16.  加藤俊徳:リハビリテーション支援脳機能検査法のゴールデンスタンダード. 脳科学とリハビリテーション5: 7-14,2005

17.  加藤俊徳: COE(脳酸素交換機能マッピング)–光機能画像法原理の利用-.小児科 46: 1277-1292, 2005

18.  加藤俊徳. 海馬回旋遅滞症. Annual Review神経, 中外医学社, 340-348,. 2006

19. 加藤俊徳 脳番地から見て障害の重い子のビッグサインを知る ~いのちはぐくむ~支援教育の展望 146: 32-37, 2007



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2.         Hirano S, Kato T, Takashima S, et al. MRI Study in Adults with Down Syndrome. Proceeding of the 5th NCNP International Symposium on Dementia, 76-81, 1993

3.         Kato T, Okuyama K. Assessment of Maturation and Impairment of Brain by I-123 Iodoamphetamine SPECT and MR Imaging in Children. The Showa University Journal of Medical Sciences,5: 99-115, 1993

4.         Kato T, Kamei A, Takashima S, et al. Human Visual Cortical Function During Photic Stimulation Monitoring by Means of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab,13: 516-520. 1993

5.         Yamanouchi H, Kato T, Matsuda H, et al. MRI in Neurofibromatosis Type I: Using Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery Pulse Sequences. Pediatr Neurol, 12: 286- 290, 1995

6.         Kato T, Nishina M, Matsushita K, et al. Neuronal maturation and N-acetyl-L-aspartic acid development in human fetal and child brains. Brain & Development, 19:131-133, 1997

7.         Kato T, Nishina M, Matsushita K, et al. Increased Cerebral Choline-Compounds in Duchanne muscular dystrophy. NeuroReport, 8: 1435-1437, 1997

8.         Kato T, Yamanouchi H, Sugai K, Takashima S. Early detection of cortical and subcortical tubers in tuberous sclerosis by fluid-attenuated inversion recovery MR imaging. Neuroradiology; 39:378-380, 1997

9.         Kato T, Erhard P, Takayama Y, et al. Human Hippocampal Long-Term Sustained   Response during Word-Memory Processing. NeuroReport, 9:1041-47, 1998

10.     Kato T, et al. Early Diagnosis of Herpes Encephalopathy using Fluid-attenuated  Inversion Recoveragnosis of Herpes Encephalopathy using Fluid-attenuated  Inversion Recovery Pulse Sequence. Pediatr Neurol, 19: 58-61, 1998

11.     Chen W, Kato T, et al. Mapping of Lateral Genuculate Nucleus Activation during Visual Stimulation. Magnetic Resoance In Medicine, 39:89-96, 1998

12.     Chen W, Zhu XH, Kato T, et al.  Spatial and Temporal Differentiation of fMRI BOLD Responsed in Primary Visual Cortex of Human Brain during Sustained Photic  Stimulation. Magnetic Resoance In Medicine, 39:520-27, 1998

13.     Ogawa S, Chen W, Kim S-G, Kato T, et al. Recent topics in functional MRI. p.914, Current progress in functional brain mapping: Science and applications. Eds: T.Yuasa, J.W. Prochard & S. Ogawa. Nishimura/Smith-Gordon. Printed in United Kingdom, 1998

14.     Furusho J, Kato T, et al. MRI lesions masked by brain development: a case of infant-onset focal epilepsy.  Pediatr Neurol, 19: 377-381, 1998

15.     Ozawa H, Hashimoto T, Endo T, Kato T, et al.  West syndrome with periventricular leukomalacia: A Morphometrical MRI study. Pediatr Neurol, 19:358-363, 1998

16.     Kato T, Otto K, Endo T, et al. Microbial extracranial aneurysm of the internal carotid artery: complication of cervical lymphadenitis. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol, 108: 314-317, 1999

17.     Chen W, Kato T, et al. Human primary visual cortex and lateral genuculate nucleus activation during visual imagery.  NeuroReport; 9:3669-74, 1998

18.     Chen W, Kato T, et al. Mapping of Lateral Genuculate Nucleus Activation during Visual Stimulation. Magnetic Resonance In Medicine; 39:89-96, 1998.

19.     Chen W, Zhu XH, Kato T, et al.  Spatial and Temporal Differentiation of fMRI BOLD Responsed in Primary Visual Cortex of Human Brain during  Sustained Photic  Stimulation.  Magnetic Resonance In Medicine; 39:520-27, 1998.

20.     Kato T. The similarity and homogeneity in acute necrotizing encephalopathy: acute cerebral necrotizing syndrome. Brain & Development, 21:138-139, 1999

21.     Iramina K, Kamei H, Uchida S, Kato T, Ugurbil K, Yumoto M, Ueno S.  Effects of stimulus intensity on fMRI and MEG in somatosensory cortex using electrical stimulation. IEEE Transactions on magnetics 35:4106-4108, 1999.

22.     Nishina M, Kato T, Ito M, Takashima S. In vitro high resolution proton magnetic resonance study of human cerebellar development during the period from the fetus to childhood Physiol. Chem. Phys. & Med. NMR, 31, 103-108, 2000

23.     Kato T, Funahashi M, Matsui A, Takashima S, Suzuki Y.  MRI of Disseminated Developmental Dysmyelination in FCMD. Pediatr Neurol, 19:358-363, 2000

24.     Kato T, Ogawa S and Ugurbil K.  Functional suppression of long-term sustained response in the human hippocampal formation due to memory distraction. Neurosci Lett 291:33-36, 2000

25.     Kato T, Knopman D, Liu H.  Dissociation of regional activation in mild AD during visual encoding. Neurology, 57: 812-816, 2001

26.     Liu H, Kato T, Knopman DS.  Efficient MR-based screening method for alzheimer disease. SPIE Medical Imaging, 4321: 381-386, 2001

27.     Liu H, Kato T, Neves C.  Dynamics of fMRI signals during human brain activations to a stimulus. SPIE Medical Imaging, 4321: 321-326, 2001

28.     Furusho J, Suzuki A,  Takakusa Y,  Kawaguchi F, Ichikawa N, Kato T. Simultaneous study of interictal EEG and near-infrared spectroscopy in a boy with epilepsy. International Congress Series 1232 (0) pp. 673-676, 2002.

29.     Yamamoto T, Kato T.  Paradoxical Correlation between Signal in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Deoxygenated Haemoglobin Content in Capillaries: A New Theoretical Explanation. Phys. Med. Biol.47: 1121-1141, 2002 (PDF

30.    Okada Y, Kato T, Iwai K, Iwasaki N, Ohto T, Matsui A. Evaluation of hippocampal infolding using magnetic resonance imaging. NeuroReport 14:1405-1409, 2003.

31. Fukui Y, Yamamoto T, Kato T, Okada E. Analysis of light propagation in a three-dimensional realistic head model for topographic imaging by finite difference method, Optical Review, 10, 470-473, 2003

32. Kitagawa Y, Inoue R, Ishida H, Kato T, Shikura K, Yamado N. The language development and therapy for children with hyperkinesis and autism. 16th Asian conference on mental retardation. Proceedings, 704-713, 2003.

33. Abe S, Takagi K, Yamamoto T, Okuhata Y, Kato T. Assessment of cortical gyrus and sulcus formation using MR images
in normal fetuses. Prenat Diagn. 23: 225-231, 2003.

34.    Abe S, Takagi K, Yamamoto T, Okuhata Y, Kato T. Semiquantitative assessment of myelination using magnetic resonance imaging in normal fetal brains. Prenat Diagn. 24: 352-357, 2004.

35.     Abe S, Takagi K, Yamamoto T, Kato T. Assessment of cortical gyrus and sulcus formation using magnetic resonance images in small-for-gestational-age fetuses. Prenat Diagn. 24: 333-338, 2004

36.    Kawaguchi H, Hayashi T, Kato T, Okada E: Theoretical evaluation of accuracy in position and size of brain activity obtained by near-infrared topography. Phys Med Biol. 49: 2753-2765, 2004

37.     Kato T. Principle and technique of NIRS-Imaging for human brain FORCE: fast-oxygen response in capillary event. International Congress Series. 1270C, 88-99, 2004PDF

38. Watanabe Y, Abe S, Takagi K, Yamamoto T, Kato T. Evolution of subarachnoid space in normal fetuses using magnetic resonance imaging. Prenat Diagn. 25: 1217-1222, 2005.

39. Akiyama T, Ohira T, Kato T, Toda Y, Orii M, Hiraga K, Fukunaga A, Kobayashi M, Onozuka S, Kawase T. Motor-related intracortical steal phenomenon detected by multichannel functional near-infrared spectroscopy imaging. Cerebrovasc Dis.20:337-46. 2005 (PDF)

40. Akiyama T, Ohira T, Kawase T,  Kato T. TMS Orientation for NIRS-Functional Motor Mapping. Brain Topography 19:1-9, 2006 (PDF

41. Endo A, Kato T, Nakajima S, Itabashi K. Acute effects of cigarette smoking on blood pressure and arterial stiffness in habitual smokers. Japanese Journal of Tabacco Control(日本禁煙学会雑誌)2(7) 2007. (論文HTML)



1.       Kato T, Matumaru S, Nose K, et al. Follow up cholelithiasis in extremely very low birth weight infant by plain roentgenograms. 日本小児放射線学会誌: 6 215-216, 1990

2.       Kato T, Sato H, Nose K, et al. Characteristics of Follow-up P-31 MR Spectroscopy/MR imaging in Types of Neonatal Hypoxic-ischemic Encephalopathy. 日本小児放射線学会誌:8 160-163, 1992

3.       Kato T, Nishina M, Matsushita K, et al. Assessment of developmental change of N-acetyl-L-aspartic acid in the human brain by means of high resolution proton NMR spectroscopy. 医学の歩み,163: 625-626, 1992

4.       Kato T, Mikami I, Ishikawa M, et al. Giant calcified neurilenoma of the bronchial plexus. 日本小児放射線学会誌, 8: 160-163, 1992

5.       亀井淳, 加藤俊徳ら 新生児家兎の過換気負荷時における脳循環動態の変化 未熟児新生児学会誌, 4:261-268, 1992

6.       網戸公美, 加藤俊徳ら. 14歳で発症した腸管ベーチェット病の1症例 小児科, 37:293-298, 1996

7.       古荘純一, 網戸公美, 田崎いずみI, 加藤俊徳ら. 視線恐怖を初発とし不登校状態を呈し小児科を受診した精神分裂病の1例 小児科, 58:1805-1808, 1995

8.       古荘純一, 網戸公美, 加藤俊徳ら. 脳底動脈の解離性動脈瘤によりLocked-in syndromeを呈した7歳男児例、日本小児科学会雑誌, 101: 1608-1611, 1997

9.       原中美矢子、遠藤晃彦、小平隆太郎、藤田之彦、高田昌亮、大久保修、原田研介、加藤俊徳、高嶋幸男.  先天性筋緊張性ジストロフィー乳幼児例の中枢神経障害. 脳と発達, 32;268-273, 2000

10.   北島善夫、雲井未歓、小池敏英、加藤俊徳、鈴木康之. 重症心身障害者における期待心拍反応の分化形成過程の特徴と脳形態所見. 発達障害研究, 22; 185-196, 2000

11.   古荘純一、市橋いずみ、佐藤弘之、山口克彦、飯倉洋治、熊谷公明、加藤俊徳. 小児局在関連てんかん患児における近赤外線を利用した言語記憶の局所脳機能検査法(fNIR)の検討. てんかん治療研究振興財団研究年報,13:99-105, 2001

12.   遠藤明,田中大,竹内敏雄,飯倉洋,加藤俊徳. Lower Leg Bent SquatとShoulder Width Stance Squatによる大腿筋への負荷の相違. 道南医学会誌,47-: 29-31, 2002

13.   遠藤明,田中大, 竹内敏雄, 飯倉洋, 加藤俊徳. 非肥満小児の脂肪肝-かくれ内臓脂肪型肥満の検討-道南医学会誌, 47: 178-180, 2002

14.   小池敏英、雲井未歓、前迫孝憲、市川祝善、藤原倫行、加藤俊徳: 機能的ベッドサイド近赤外線トポグラフィー法による前頭前野のヘモグロビン濃度変化の検討―実行機能課題の遂行中の特性―、臨床脳波44:765-772, 2002

15.   加藤俊徳, 小池敏英, 前迫孝憲, 雲井未歓, 大川佳美, 成 基香, 渡邉流理也: 高選択性近赤外分光機能画像NIRS-Imagingによるブローカ野の脳血流動態と局在化に関する検討―単語復唱課題遂行時の特徴について―. 臨床脳波, 永井書店. 46: 20-32, 2004

16.   遠藤明, 加藤俊徳, 堀川浩之, 飯倉洋治: Shoulder width stance squatと wide stance squatによる大腿筋への負荷の相違. 日本臨床スポ-ツ医学会誌;12:266-27,2004

17.   渡邊流理也, 小池敏英, 加藤俊徳, 鈴木康之:聴覚障害を伴う重症心身障害児における期待心拍反応の生起と脳形態所見との関係.日本重症心身障害学会誌 第29巻 第3号:231-237, 2004

18.   加藤俊徳: COE装置(脳酸素交換機能マッピング) -酸素交換波動方程式の応用-  日本機械学会誌.108: 877, 2005

19.   小池敏英、林仁美、成基香、前迫孝憲、加藤俊徳:ワーキングメモリ課題遂行中の前頭前野の脳酸素交換機能マッピング. 臨床神経生理学 33:548-557, 2005

20.   加藤俊徳: COE(脳酸素交換機能マッピング) -酸素交換度と酸素交換直交ベクトルの利用-  臨床脳波.48: 41-50, 2006




1.     Kato T, Kamada K, Takashima S, et al. Advantage of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in the Human Functional MR Imaging in Brain. SMRM proceeding book in NY, 1993, 1049.


2.     Kato T, Ohyu J, Fukumizu M, Takashima S. Assessment of Language Lateralization using functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Bedside. NeuroImage 7:S207, 1998

3.    Kato T, Ohyu J, Fukumizu M, Arii N, Takashima S.  New Diagnostic Tool of Language Lateralization using functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy at Bedside: Comparison Study with fMRI. The proceeding of 1st International Symposium on Medical Near-infrared Spectroscopy, 71, 1998.

4.    Kato T, Ohyu J, Fukumizu M, Arii N, Takashima S. New Diagnostic Tool of Language Lateralization for Epileptic and Pediatric Patients at Bedside using Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopic Imaging. Radiology (suppl) #919, 1998

5.    Kato T, Endo A, Fukumizu M, Kato T, Takashima S, Kawaguchi F, Ichikawa N. Initial Cerebral Metabolism due to Short Visual Stimulation using Human functional Near-infraredgraphy (fNIR): How it’s correlate with fMRI? ISMRM 7th meeting in Philadelphia, USA. 1999, 762.


6.    Kato T, Endo A, Fukumizu M, Kato T, Takashima S, Kawaguchi F, Ichikawa N. Real-Time Imaging of “Initial Cerebral Metabolism” using Human functional Near-infraredgraphy (fNIR). NeuroImage, 1999, S309.

7.    Kato T, Endo A, Fukumizu M, Furusho J, Takashima S, Kawaguchi F, Ichikawa N. Single Finger Movement Trial using Human functional Near-infraredgraphy (fNIR). NeuroImage, 1999, S430.

8.    Kato T, Yamashita Y, Maki A, Yamamoto T, Koizumi H. Temporal Behavior of Human functional Near-infraredgraphy (fNIR) using Single-Word Speaking Trial. NeuroImage, 1999, S1025.

9.    Kato T, Yamashita Y, Sugihara K, Furusho J, Tazaki I, Tanaka D, Maki A, Yamamoto T, Koizumi H, Ichikawa N, Iikura Y. Cerebral Autonomic Functional Test using human functional near-infraredgraphy (fNIR) NeuroImage, 9, 1999, S221.


10. Kato T., Takashima S. Integration of signal sources between fNIR and fMRI: Double-contrast effect of diamagnetic Oxy-Hb & paramagnetic deoxy-Hb contributes to T2* Change.  Society of Neuroscience in New Orleans (abstr), 645.15. 2000


11. Kato T, Wang P, Kim S-G, Kamba M, Kawaguchi F, Ichikawa N. Selectivity, sensitivity and connectivity due to somatosensory stimulation in rats investigated by noninvasive subcentimeter-fNIR. NeuroImage 13. S22 2001.


12. Kato T, Kamba M, Liu H. Observation of NONE-BOLD contrast using fNIR and fMRI. Oxyhemoglobin level dependent effect. NeuroImage 13. S988. 2001.


13. Yamamoto T, Kato T.  Discrepancy from the BOLD theory in capillaries: A bridging theory of fMRI and near-infrared spectroscopy. ISMRM, 2002

2002年 fMRIの信号は、静脈性下水道効果による脳外反応であることが明確化され、理論化された。

14. Yamamoto T, Kato T. Bridging fMRI and near-infrared spectroscopy.  NeuroImage 2002.

15. Kawaguchi H, Hayashi T, Kato T, Okada E.  Evaluation of spatial resolution of near infrared topography using spatial sensitivity profile. The European Conference on Biomedical Optics, Munich (Germany) (2003, 6. 22-25).

16. Okada E, Fukui Y, Yamamoto T, Kato T, Obara M, Makabe T. Modelling of light propagation in adult head for topographic imaging. The fifth Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/PR 2003), Taipei (Taiwan) (2003. 12. 15-19),

17. Kawaguchi H, Hayashi T, Kato T, Okada E. Improvement of near-infrared topography by optode arrangement and reconstruction algorithm using spatial sensitivity profile, IEEE EMBS Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Nara (Japan) (2003, 10. 20-22)

18. WATANABE R, KOIKE T, MAESAKO T, KATO T. Dynamic difference of cerebral metabolism between a iteration of a word and a reverse iteration of a word: multi-channels NIRS study.  9th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. New York, USA, 2003.6. 18-22.

19. OHKAWA Y, KOIKE T, MAESAKO T, KATO T. Reproducibility by sound trigger of initial cerebral metabolism during speech: NIRS measurement with spatial selectivity of 1cm. 9th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. New York, USA, 2003.6. 18-22.

20. KUMOI M, KOIKE T, MAESAKO T, KATO T. Temporal and spatial localization of cerebral oxygen metabolism during language learning using multi-channels NIRS. 9th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. New York, USA, 2003.6. 18-22.

21. KATO T, KUMOI M, Toshihide KOIKE*3. Temporal spatial imaging of k-ratio and k-angle as oxygen exchange ratio between oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin. 9th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. New York, USA, 2003.6. 18-22.

22. KATO T, ENDO A. 2D analysis of k-ratio between oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb in cerebral motor areas during weight training: a new quantitative value as oxygen exchange ratio. 9th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. New York, USA, 2003.6. 18-22.


23. SONG K, KOIKE T, KATO T*2. Cerebral oxygen metabolic differences between KANJI and KANA using writing-event related-NIRS.  9th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. New York, USA, 2003.6.18-22.


24. KOIKE T, MAESAKO T, KATO T. Time series analysis using near infrared spectroscopy to detect brain action with a single event of language. 9th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. New York, USA, 2003.6.18-22.

25. Akiyama T, Ohira T, Hiraga K, Niimi M, Fukunaga A, Kawase T, KatoT. Analysis of Hb concentration change detected by TMS mapping oriented NIRS in the activated cerebral cortex during motor task.. 9th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. New York, USA, 2003.6.18-22.


26. KATO T, KOIKE T, MAESAKO T, KUMOI M, OKAWA Y, SONG K, WATANABE R. Identification of FORCE (fast-oxygen response in capillary event) during language action using NIRS-Imaging.KIT 3rd International Symposium on Brain and Language, “Neurocognitive linguistics research and brain science by MEG, fMRI and related technology”. 2003

27. Kato T.Principle and technique of NIRS-Imaging for human brain FORCE: fast-oxygen response in capillary event. ISBET, Chiba, JAPAN, 2004.4.11-14.

28. KATO T, OHKAWA Y, KUMOI M, KOIKE T. Imaging for oxygen exchange in capillary: distinguished fast-oxygen response in capillary event (FORCE) from watering-the-garden effect. 10th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. Budapest, Hungary, 2004.6.13-17.


29. YOSHINO K, WATANABE R, KOIKE T, MAESAKO T, KATO T. Properties of oxygen metabolic response in Wernicke`s area during the verbal tasks using functional NIRS-imaging. 10th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. Budapest, Hungary, 2004.6.13-17.

30. KUMOI M, SONG K, KOIKE T, MAESAKO T, KATO T. Spatial and temporal localization of cerebral oxygen consumption and supply using writing-event related-NIRS-imaging. 10th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. Budapest, Hungary, 2004.6.13-17.

31. KUMOI M, KOIKE T, HAYASHI H, SONG K, MAESAKO T, KATO T. Spatio-Temporal Localization of Cortical Oxygen Responses during Digit Recognition and Word Repetition: a Study on High-Selectivity NIRS Imaging for Two-Dimensional Surface. 11th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Toronto, Ontario, Canada June 12-16, 2005 OHBM

32. KATO T, STANCAK A. Distinction of regional cerebral FORCE (fast-oxygen response in capillary event) effect by unilateral and bilateral finger movements. 11th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Toronto, Ontario, Canada  June 12-16, 2005 OHBM


33. WATANABE R, KOIKE T, MAESAKO T, KATO T. Localized fast oxygen response in capillary event (FORCE) effect from a hearing of word to an iteration of word and a hearing of word using multi-channel NIRS-Imaging. 11th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Toronto, Ontario, Canada  June 12-16, 2005 OHBM

34. YOSHINO K, KATO T, KOIKE T, MESAKO T. Distinction between comprehension and incomprehension words by fast-oxygen response in capillary event (FORCE) effect using fNIRS-imaging. 11th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Toronto, Ontario, Canada  June 12-16, 2005 OHBM

2005年 FORCE効果の有無によって、言葉の理解を判定する技術を生み出す。

35. OYAMA K, KOMATSU H, SUGIURA T, KATO T. Proper orthogonal decomposition of FORCE(fast-oxygen response in capillary event) measured by NIRS-imaging. 11th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Toronto, Ontario, Canada  June 12-16, 2005 OHBM

36. KINEMUCHI H, YOSHINO K, KOIKE T, KATOH T. An investigation of cognitive processing while listening to a 5 second sequence of musical sounds as analyzed by NIRS Imaging. 11th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Toronto, Ontario, Canada June 12-16, 2005 OHBM

37. SONG K, MAESAKO T, KOIKE T KATO T. NIRS Imaging study on the child’s prefrontal cortex-Developmental change of hemodynamics in the working memory task-. 11th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Toronto, Ontario, Canada  June 12-16, 2005 OHBM



38. Kato T, Kamada K, Segawa F, et al. Effects of Photo Stimulation on the Anisotropic Diffusion of the Visual Fibers. SMRM proceeding book in Berlin, 1992, 1409.



39. Kato T, Umeda M, Hasegawa M, et al. Use of P-31 MR Spectroscopy in the Assessment of Brain Death in Children. Radiology (suppl). 1989: 173: 135.


40. Kato T, Ohuchi T, Mikami T, et al. Five types of inorganic phosphorus signal shape on P-31 MR Spectroscopy. Book of Abstracts in New York, 1990, 1211.

41. Kato T, Sato H, Nose K, et al. Localized Proton MR Spectroscopy of the Pediatric Brain with Focal Epilepsy. Radiology (suppl). 1992: 185; 185.

42. Kato T, Mikami I, Nose K, et al. Proton MR Spectroscopy of the Pediatric Brain with Focal Epilepsy. SMRM proceeding book in Berlin, 1992, 2006.

43. Kato T, Mikami I, Nose K, et al. Intracellular pH Alkalosis and Human Brain Development.  SMRM proceeding book in Berlin, 1992, 2007.

44. Kato T, Mikami I, Nose K, et al. Variation of 1H MR Spectra in the Postnatal Brain Impairment.  SMRM proceeding book in Berlin, 1992, 2008.

45. Kato T, Nishina M, Matushita K, et al. Neuronal Maturation and N-Acetylasparte in the Human Fetal, Child and Developmental Disorder Brains. SMRM proceeding book in NY, 1993, 1571.

46. Kato T, Nishina M, Matushita K, et al. Developmental and Pathological Changes of Different CHO Peaks in vitro-Human Brain Study using proton-NMR Spectroscopy. SMRM proceeding book in SF, 1994, 574.

47. Kato T, Nishina M, Matushita K, et al: Characteristic Cerebral H-NMR Spectra in Congenital Myopathy. SMR, 3rd meeting in Nice France. 1995,1842




48. Kato T, Kamada K, Kishibayashi J, et al. Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery MR Imaging with Paramagnetic Contrast Enhancement in Child Brain Disorders. SMRM proceeding book in NY, 1993, 1460.


49. Kato T, Yamanouchi H, Sugai K, Takashima S. Early detection of cortical and subcortical tubers in tuberous sclerosis by fluid-attenuated inversion recovery MR imaging. SMRM proceeding book in SF, 1993, 545.

50. Kato T, Yamanouchi H, Kamada K, et al. Early Detection of Cortical and Subcortical Tubers in Tuberous Sclerosis Using Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery MR Imaging. Radiology (suppl). 1994:

51. Kato T, Sasaki Y, Oto K, et al. Advantage of Short / Long Echo Fast FLAIR in the Neonatal and Infant Brain SMR, 3rd meeting in Nice France. 1995, 1281

52. Kitagawa Y, Inoue R, Ishida H, Kato T, Shikura K, Yamado N. The language development and therapy for children with hyperkinesis and autism. 16th Asian conference on mental retardation. Ibaraki, Japan, 2003.8. 21-26.

53. Abe S, Takagi K, Yamamoto T, Okuhata Y, Kato T: Assessment of fetal maturation and gestational age by the staging of gyrus and sulcus formation using MR Imaging. Radiology (suppl.), Radiological Society of North America, 82th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting. Chicago, USA, 2003.11. 29-12. 5.

54. Kato T, Ohkoshi Y, Wada K, Michiko M, YamadaK, Suzuki Y. Assessment of clinical characteristics with unilateral hippocampal infolding retardation using MR imaging. Radiology (suppl.), Radiological Society of North America, 82th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting. Chicago, USA, 2003.11.29-12.5.

55. Kato T, Okoshi Y, Makino M, Wada K, Yamada K, Funahashi M, Sakuragawa N, Suzuki Y. The right hippocampus develops earlier than the left hippocampus? 10th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. Budapest, Hungary, 2004.6.13-17.

56. OKOSHI Y, KATO T, MAKINO M, TAKECHI N, YANAGI K, CHO H, FUNAHASHI M, SAKURAGAWA N, SUZUKI Y1. Functional improvement of finger movements with cerebral palsy and the structural plasticity in the primary motor area. 10th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. Budapest, Hungary, 2004.6.13-17.

57. MAKINO M, KATO T, OKOSHI Y, SHIIKI T, OHTA T, HIRONO H, YAMADA K, SUZUKI Y. Is structural MRI of entorhinal cortex useful as screening examination of developmental intellectual disabilities? 10th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. Budapest, Hungary, 2004.6.13-17.

58. Kato T: Morphological changes of hippocampal connections in PDD children using MR Imaging. International symposium on "Autism and related dvelopmental disorders--Gene-environment interactions in the brain". Tokyo, 2004.10.16

59. MAKINO M, KATO T, OKOSHI Y, YAMADA K, FUNAHASHI M, SUZUKI Y. Entorhinal white matter in developmental intellectual disabilities. 11th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Toronto, Ontario, Canada  June 12-16, 2005 OHBM

60. OKOSHI Y, KATO T, MAKINO M, FUNAHASHI M, SAKURAGAWA N, SUZUKI Y. Structural plastic changes in the prefrontal white matter using MR imging with PVL children. 11th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Toronto, Ontario, Canada  June 12-16, 2005 OHBM



61. Kato T, Matuo T, Mikami I, et al. Assessment of sagittal Brain Maturation and Impairment in Children with I-123 Iodoamphetamine SPECT. Radiology (suppl). 1992:185: 107.




62. Erhard P, Kato T, Hickok G, et al. Functional MRI of Motor and Language Areas in ASL -Users. NeuroImage, 3; S436, 1996


63. Erhard P, Kato T, Strupp JP, et al. Functional Mapping of Motor in and near Broca's Area.  NeuroImage, 3; S367, 1996

64. Erhard P, Kato T, Strupp JP, et al. Somatotopic Mapping of Functionality of Broca's Area. SMR, 4th meeting in NY. 1996.1872.

65. Erhard P, Kato T, Strick PL, et al. Functional MRI Activation Pattern of Motor and Language Tasks in Broca's Area. 1996. 260.2

66. Kato T, Erhard P, Takayama Y, Strupp J, Le TH, Ogawa S, Ugurbil K. Cerebral Multiphasic Sustained Responses (CMSR) in Memory Processing: Detection of Hippocampal Long-Term Sustained Response using fMRI at 4 Tesla. ISMRM 5th meeting in Vancouver, Canada. 1997.12.


67. Lin JC.. Gates JR, Ritter FJ., Dunn MB., Hu X., Miulli DE., Kato T., Nelson CA., Truwit CL. Preoperative Functional MR Imaging to Assess Language and Memory Lateralization in Patients with Surgical Brain Disease.  ISMRM 5th meeting in Vancouver, Canada. 1997. 693.

68. Kato T, Erhard P, Takayama Y, Strupp J, Le TH, Harada M, Ogawa S, Ugurbil K.  Monitoring of Cerebral Multiphasic Sustained Responses (CMSR) in Memory Processing using fMRI. NeuroImage, 1997 5: S593

69. Kato T, Harada M, Lin JC, Erhard P, Truwit CL, Ugurbil K, et al.  Physiological Memory Study using fMRI at 1.5T and 4T: Detection of Long-term Sustained Response in Human Hippocampus.  Radiology 205(P): 231,1997

70. Kato T, Erhard P, Takayama Y, Strupp J, H Le TH, Harada M, Ogawa S, Ugurbil K. LONG-TERM SUSTAINED RESPONSE IN HUMAN HIPPOCAMPUS AND CEREBELLAR NUCLEUS: PHYSIOLOGICAL MEMORY STUDY USING FMRI. 1997: 191.15 (Neuroscience in New Orleans).

71.  Lin JC, Gates JR, Ritter FJ, Dunn MB, Hu X, Miulli DE, Kato T, Nelson CA, Truwit CL. Non-Invasive fMRI-Wada to Assess Cognitive Lateralization in Patients with Surgical Brain Disease. ISMRM 6th meeting in Sydney, Australia. 1998. 1512.

72. Kato T, Lin JC, Le TH, Harada M, Erhard P, Ogawa S, Ugurbil K. Cerebral Multi-phasic Sustained Responses (CMSR) of Non-averaged Single Word Processing Detected on a Commercial 1.5T scanner, A Combined 1.5T and 4T Effort. ISMRM 6th meeting in Sydney, Australia. 1517. 1998.

73. Kato T, Liu H, Neves C, Ogawa S, Ugurbil K. High Resolution fMRI for Hippocampal Formation Involved in Memory Functional SMRM 6th meeting in Sydney, Australia. 1522. 1998.

74. Kato T, Harada M, Strupp J, Ogawa S & Ugurbil K.  Temporal Synchronization of Phonological Loop after Language Task using fMRI.  NeuroImage 7:S167, 1998.

75. Kato T, Liu H, and Takayama Y. Single-Object Memory Trial using fMRI: No-synchronization between Visual Input and Sustained Working Memory. NeuroImage 7:S864, 1998.

76. Kato T, Liu H, Neves C, Truwit CL.  Real-Time Mapping of Single-Object Memory Processing using fMRI. ISMRM 7th meeting in Philadelphia, USA. 1999.

77. Kato T, Anderson P, Strupp J, Ugurbil K. External Speech Monitored by fMRI at 4 Tesla. ISMRM 7th meeting in Philadelphia, USA. 1999, 782.

78. Kato T, Anderson P, Strupp J, Ugurbil K. Hippocampal Response to Phonological Activation using External Speaking fMRI.  NeuroImage, 1999: 9; S1068.



79. Kato T, Chen W, Andersen P, et al. Functional Activation in Primary Visual Cortex Induced by Visual Awareness: A 4T Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. SMR, 4th meeting in NY. 1852. 1996.


80. Chen W, Kato T, Zhu X-H, et al. Primary Visual Cortex Activation During Visual Imagery in Human Brain using fMRI Mapping. SMR, 4th meeting in NY. 1853. 1996.

81. Chen W, Kato T, Zhu X-H, et al. Direct Functional Mapping of Lateral Geniculate Nucleus during Visual Perception and Visual Imagery in Human Brain. SMR, 4th meeting in NY.1858. 1996.

82. Kato T, Zhu X-H, Strupp J, et al. Activation of Hypothalamus and Reticular Formation Induced by External and Internal Stimulation: Functional brain Stem Study. NeuroImage, 1996: 3; S187

83. Kato T, Chen W, Andersen P, et al. Functional Mapping of Activation in Reticular Formation and Primary Visual Cortex during Visual Awareness: A 4T fMRI Study. NeuroImage, 1996: 3; S188

84. Chen W, Kato T, Zhu X-H, et al. Primary Visual Cortex Activation During Visual Imagery in Human Brain: A fMRI Mapping Study. NeuroImage, 1996: 3; S204

85. Chen W, Kato T, Zhu X-H, et al. Functional Activation Mapping of Human Brain During Music Imagery Processing. NeuroImage, 1996: 3; S205.

86. Chen W, Kato T, Zhu X-H, et al. Functional Mapping of Lateral Geniculate Nucleus Activation during Visual Perception and Visual Imagery in Human Brain. NeuroImage, 1996: 3; S356

87. Kato T, Chen W, Zhu X-H, et al. Functional Activation of Lateral Geniculate Nucleus and Primary Visual Cortex during Visual Imagery. 1996: 574.10. (Neuroscience in Washington).

88. Chen W, Kim S.G, Kato T, et al. Observation of Positive BOLD Changes Correlate to neuronal Deactivation during Saccadic Eye Movements. 1996. 117.13. (Neuroscience in Washington).

89. Chen W, Kato T, Zhu X.-H, Strupp J, Adriany G, Ogawa S, Ugurbil K. Functional Mapping of Brainstem and Small Nuclei in Thalamus Using fMRI. ISMRM 5th meeting in Vancouver, Canada. 1997. 714.

90. Chen W, Kim S.-G, Kato T, Zhu X.-H, Menon RS, Ogawa S, Ugurbil. K.  Observation of Positive BOLD Changes in fMRI Correlated to Neuronal Deactivation during Saccadic Eye Movements. ISMRM 5th meeting in Vancouver, Canada. 1997. 741.

91. Chen W., Zhu X.-H., Kato T., Ugurbil K..  Spatial and Temporal Differentiation of fMRI BOLD Responses in Primary Visual Cortex of Human Brain during Sustained Photic Stimulation.  ISMRM 5th meeting in Vancouver, Canada. 1997. 745.

92. Lin JC., Le TH, Neves CM, Kato T, et al. Functional MRI in patients with arteriovenous malformation. NeuroImage, 1998: 7; S356

93. Kato T, Liu H, and Takayama Y. Single-Object Memory Trial using fMRI: No-synchronization between Visual Input and Sustained Working Memory.  NeuroImage 7:S864, 1998.


95. Kato T, Liu H, Neves C, Truwit CL.  Real-Time Mapping of Single -Object Memory Processing using fMRI. ISMRM 7th meeting in Philadelphia, USA. 1999.

96.  Neves C, Kato T, Liu H.  Visual Processing for Word-Categorical Sensitivity using fMRI. NeuroImage, 1999: 9; S1068.

97. Liu H, Kato T, Neves C.  The dynamics of LGN and hippocampus fMRI activation at 1.5T.  NeuroImage, 1999: 9; S162.

98. Kato T, Liu H, Neves C, Takayama Y.  Temporal Dissociation of Two Visual-Input Networks using fMRI. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 8rd meeting in Denver, USA. p889, 2000.

99. Kato T, Liu H, Ugurbil K, Ogawa S. Initial depression due to refractory period of BOLD using fMRI: an inter-paired interval dependence of visual presentation. NeuroImage, 2000: 11 ; S811.

100. Kato T, Knopman D, Liu H. Functional MR imaging during visual learning: Medial temporal and lateral frontal differences between normal  elders and patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease. American Association of Neurology in Philadelphia. P04.046. 2001.




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